Thursday, March 12, 2020

Thursday of the Second Week
When Jesus teaches with stories and images, He invites us to spend some extra time with the Scriptures.  This pedagogy means that we have to look a little deeper, but the reflection promises that we will discover some beautiful truths.  Perhaps that is why I was particularly drawn to our Scriptural passages today.  Jeremiah and the Psalms first provided us with a lovely image to consider.  They both remind us that humans are like trees. When we are firmly planted in the Word of the Lord we thrive and grow toward everlasting life in heaven. When our roots drink in the nourishment of  our faith in God’s love, we transform from flexible saplings into mighty oaks capable of withstanding the storms that come with living a human life. We blossom into our fullest selves when we follow the examples of our Scriptural teachers like Abraham, Moses and Jesus, each of whom put their trust and hope in the Lord.  

In the Gospel, Jesus reminds us that as trees do, we must bear fruits, such as selflessness and compassion, to share with those like Lazarus who are in need of nourishment.  We too can offer shelter in the embrace of our branches and sanctuary under our shade for anyone seeking respite from life’s torments.  And like the trees, when our time in this world is done, we do not die but are transformed into a new life and a new purpose which will endure forever.   

Almighty God, I place my hope in You.  Give me the nourishment and strength to stand as one tree in a forest of Christians who add life to the world.

Amy Rock Wardwell, ’96,  Member of the Worshipping Community

First Reading: Jeremiah 17:5-10
Psalm 1:1-4, 6
Gospel: Luke 16:19-31

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website

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