Saturday, March 14, 2020

Saturday of the Second Week
Most of my early life I heard this story as a cautionary tale of poor choices (the wayward son turning his back on his family) and self-righteousness (the elder son). God’s message to me now has nothing to do with either sons’ choices, but instead with their father’s steadfast response. What took me a long time to hear was the presence of overwhelming generosity—of understanding, of compassion, and of love. 

We live in a time when we are expected to do the “right thing” and “say the right thing.” Where point of view seems to fall in polarized camps, and where there is little room for both. These two brothers remind me of these polarized sides—one initially doing everything to leave and the other sure the only right option was to stay. And yet this father seems to see beyond sides. His outpouring of love and compassion for the returning son comes BEFORE the son has said a word. In the same way, the father’s strong love for the son who stayed is not ONLY because he stayed.

As I look to my busy day filled with people making requests of me, am I stingy with my time, my patience, and my ability to help? Am I like the son who stayed home, feeling that some deserve more than others? Or can I find a way to be as generous as the loving father, Our Father, who simply comes running to embrace?

Infinitely loving God, breathe Your spirit of generosity in me and through me. Slow me down when someone else needs to be seen and loved. Help me embrace others for their presence and not only for their words.

Marianne Strayton, ’98

First Reading: Micah 7:14-15, 18-20
Psalm 103:1-4, 9-12
Gospel: Luke 15:1-3, 11-32

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website

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