Monday, March 2, 2020

Monday of the First Week
Be holy, for I, the LORD, your God, am holy. (Lv 19:2)

As we begin our Lenten journey, today’s readings set the tone.  What is God asking of us? How do we seek the Kingdom of God? What voices do we listen to? I find each day in my own life presents so many opportunities to be distracted, ways to be led astray to places where God’s voice is harder to hear. It is hard to choose holy, to serve the “least of these brothers and sisters” in Christ, when I am absorbed in my own worldliness.  I struggle to make quiet to pray, to seek peace within that I might see those around me as Jesus sees us.  How can I seek the Kingdom when I am so busy…being busy?

As I reflected on the clear message of holiness in today’s readings, my thoughts became occupied with the people in my life that exemplify what it is to be holy.  How blessed I have been with so many strong witnesses of God’s love in my life! 

My heart is full of gratitude as I am flooded with memories of our dear Fr. Mike Cronogue, S.S.E. Fr. Mike taught me what it is to be holy in the little ways, amidst the daily muck of life.  He’d call upon me to write letters for Amnesty International to help free those imprisoned unjustly, to show up at a talk on campus that would challenge me to see the world with a broader view, invite me to prayer opportunities when I otherwise would have chosen to use my time in a much more selfish way.  He constantly prayed for God to raise up the peacemakers. I witnessed him live in ways that were counter-cultural, rejecting worldliness for holiness. 

Many years ago, when one of my daughters was only about three or four  years old, there was some bickering around the dinner table. She chimed in and said, “Remember, Fr. Mike told us we can all be like angels!”  She was recalling his homily from the day or two before where he was speaking of living, essentially, in the light of holiness. We are all called to be like angels. Jesus calls us saying, “Come…inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.”

Jesus, help me to reject the distractions of this world that I might seek Your Kingdom and live in the light of holiness. Amen.  

 Meeghan Bird Matarazzo,’97, Member of the Worshipping Community

First Reading: Leviticus 19:1-2, 11-18
Psalm 19:8-10, 15
Gospel: Matthew 25:31-46

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website

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