Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Tuesday of the Fourth Week

"Do you want to be well?” 

 This line stood out to me as I read today’s Gospel.  I think we all can stand there and say yes.  But do we really want to be healed from all that ails us?

 Lately every time I stop to pray, I feel like I ask God to heal something about me.  It could be anything from a physical pain, an emotional pain, or a spiritual pain.  As I reflected more on this question Jesus asks with the pains I was currently struggling with, I began to see that I might not really be saying a full yes to this question.  I thought about my physical pain and realized I might not be as consistent in my physical therapy as I should be.  I thought about my emotional pain and asked myself if I am truly ready to let go of the baggage I’m carrying.  I thought about my spiritual pains and noticed I could probably fit more time with God into my daily life. 

 In the Gospel story, Jesus commands the man to “Rise, take up your mat, and walk.”  How many of my pains can be healed or have my burdens feel lighter if I pick myself up and move forward?  If I follow Him without question or hesitation, it would be all of them.


Lord, I want to be healed of my ailments like the man in today’s Gospel.  Let your Grace and Love surround me in my sufferings.  May I find comfort and healing in Your arms.  Amen.

Maura Grogan, ’14

First Reading: Ezekiel 47: 1-9, 12
Psalm 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9
Gospel: John 5:1-16

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website

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