Monday, March 1, 2021

 Monday of the Second Week

As I reflected upon today’s readings I could not believe my eyes!  I was randomly assigned this day and the Gospel words from Luke struck to the core of how I try to act in my faith and the message that I attempt to convey to my children is that faith in action.  I often say to my children kindness begets kindness.  It has sunk in as two of them have a tattoo of this saying on their arms and I see in their hearts this kindness everyday. Luke has tattooed this in my heart as well, “For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to you.”  Compassion, mercy and forgiveness.  In the Responsorial Psalm it reads: “Lord, do not deal with us according to our sins...may your compassion quickly come to us.”  Far to often we judge ourselves and other according to our sins. Today, Luke reminds us to see the good, to act with compassion, to forgive, and show mercy.


Lord make us quick to kindness, deep with compassion, and filled with forgiveness for ourselves and our neighbors.  Strengthen our resolve in this Lenten season to renew ourselves in Your deep and everlasting love.

Jeff Vincent, ’93, M’07, P’21, Director, Residential Life and Community Standards and Assistant Dean of Students

First Reading: Daniel 9:4b-10
Psalm 79:8-9, 11, 13
Gospel: Luke 6:36-38

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website

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