Sunday, March 7, 2021

Third Sunday of Lent


Lest we forget, this Sunday’s readings give us just another example of God’s loving mercy and kindness. From God’s response to the grumbling, quarrelling people of Massah and Meribah to Jesus’ compassionate interaction with the woman he meets at the well, Paul then sums it up clearly in his message to the Romans (and us): God proves His love for us in Christ’s death on a cross. We just need to remember, and believe.

In this year where COVID has directed many of our actions and reactions, I know I can relate to the grumblers. I can feel the desperation of those who want to believe and have hope in the power of God, but are struggling to be reassured.  COVID has just been one of many difficulties we’ve faced this year. Politically, socially, spiritually, our country is in turmoil. It is hard to know God’s peace when we don’t know God’s justice and mercy. We need to remember, and believe.

Like a beacon, Paul reminds us: hope does not disappoint. The love of God poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit will continue to guide our way, if we pause, feel it, know it to be true. God’s love poured into our hearts, God’s love for us through Jesus Christ, Jesus’ example to us of compassionate mercy and kindness. This is the living water from which we can heal, love, and praise.  We need to remember, and believe.


Take a moment to pause, feel, and know God’s loving presence in your life. Compassionate and Merciful God, You allow me to drink from Your living water so I may live with hope, purpose, and love. Keep me faithful to You and Your will.  Help me to remember, and believe.

Heidi St. Peter, ’97, Assistant Dean for Advising


First Reading: Exodus 20:1-17

Psalm 19:8—11

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:22-25

Gospel: John 2:13-25

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website 

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