Saturday, March 30, 2019

Saturday of the Third Week
When we were baptized into the Catholic faith, each and every one of us became disciples of God, whereby we strive to understand the Word of God, and profess His Word through our actions and through the love that we express for others. This Saturday’s readings contain essential messages of what God desires in a true disciple or follower.

The first reading tells us that the foundation to becoming a more authentic disciple of God, is cultivating a deep and constant love and devotion for God. In this passage, the people of Ephraim and Judah express their desire to become closer to the Lord, but only for the reason of their promised salvation. The Lord then criticizes them because their love and piety for Him is shallow, superficial, and born out of the wrong reasons. The Lord clearly states that it is love that He desires, instead of the hollow sacrifices and offerings they keep performing in His name.

In addition to true love and devotion for God, the Gospel tells us that humbleness, reverence, and a desire to lead a less sinful life are also required to become true disciples. Jesus explains that those who act self-righteously and those who fail to acknowledge their own sins and shortcomings will be humbled by God come judgement day, but those who are humble and self-aware of the ways in which they stray from God, and those who work hard towards returning to God’s path will be rewarded with eternal life.

Keeping in mind the qualities that allow us to become better disciples of God, let us pray:  loving God, please bless us with the strength and vulnerability needed to humble ourselves. I pray that You aid us in reflecting on our daily actions, recognizing the ways in which we can better follow Your will, and acting out of the love that we possess for You. Amen.

Vicky Castillo, ’20


First Reading: Hosea 6:1-6
Psalm 51:3-4, 18-21b
Gospel: Luke 18:9-14

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website

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