Monday, March 18, 2019

Monday of the Second Week
As a child, I found it fascinating that the word live when written backwards spells out evil. I always wondered if that is one way of saying that in order to live, we will get caught up in evil things? I know sometimes I get caught up in thinking this way because of what is happening around us or the connections of these words (live and evil) that we are doomed, that we will become evil no matter how hard we try. But none of that is true and the end of the first reading offers us good news and reminds us of God’s compassion. We sin, but we can always repent and come back to God. What a relief it is to know that God shows us compassion and forgiveness and that we can always repent and turn back to our God!

In the Gospel, we are reminded yet again of God’s mercifulness and that we must be merciful to others if we want to fully enter into God’s mercy. Jesus reminds us not to judge others and to always forgive. These two things are difficult for me and something I can definitely work on during this Lenten season. Today marks one month until Holy Thursday, and for the rest of Lent, I will make an extra effort to focus on myself instead of judging others.

Dear Lord, as we continue on this Lenten journey full of temptations just like You did when You were in the desert for 40 days, give us the strength to focus on You, Lord. Help me to be the best person I can be and to not judge others. In Your name, we ask this. Amen.

Maggie McKeon, ’19

First Reading: Daniel 9:4b-10
Psalm 79:8-9, 11, 13
Gospel: Luke 6:36-38

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website

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