Saturday, March 23, 2019

Saturday of the Second Week
As we conclude the second week of our Lenten journey, today’s readings can buoy our spirits.  In our encouraging first reading, the prophet Micah offers the hopeful message of God removing guilt and pardoning sin for those seeking forgiveness. What a wonderful depiction of God’s mercy to “cast into the depths of the sea all of our sins” so that we can stay afloat and unleash our heavy burdens. An uplifting image!

Today’s Responsorial Psalm 103 reiterates the Lord’s compassion in the final verse: “As far as the east is from the west, so far as he put our transgressions from us.” One expectation for this mercy is to examine our consciences and acknowledge our offenses, as beautifully illustrated in today’s Gospel reading.

Luke’s Gospel often features the Lord’s compassion for outcasts, including tax collectors and sinners. Of the eighteen parables unique to Luke, today’s Chapter 15 “Prodigal Son” story is quite familiar (Chapter 15 begins with the short Parables of the Lost Sheep and Lost Coin).

We could aptly entitle our Gospel as the “Merciful Father” who shows astonishing compassion throughout the parable. While still alive, the father unconditionally gives to his younger son his estate portion. After that son experiences shameful humiliation (even longing to eat the swine’s food) through his separation from the father, he realizes his sin and seeks reconciliation. This leads to the father welcoming him back and even meeting him “halfway” with open arms. At the story’s end, when faced with the older brother’s resentment, the father gently assures his older son of his love and inheritance while celebrating the return of his sibling. Boundless compassion and forgiveness!

Dear Lord, help us to step toward You every day and seek forgiveness from You and our neighbor whenever necessary. May we be filled with Your grace to treat others with compassion as You have so humbly modeled for us.

George Ashline, Professor of Mathematics

First Reading: Micah 7:14-15, 18-20
Psalm 103:1-4, 9-12
Gospel: Luke 15:1-3, 11-32

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website

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