Saturday, March 9, 2019

Saturday after Ash Wednesday
“If you bestow your bread on the hungry and satisfy the afflicted; Then the light shall rise for you in the darkness…[the Lord] will renew your strength.” I’m reminded of the very students I work with here at Saint Michael’s College. Our students go out every day, putting the mission of our faith and college in action. They are cooking and sharing meals with veterans, providing stable mentorship for children, and fighting for human rights. These students are living examples of our readings today.

As I reflect on our readings for today, I’m also left thinking about tiredness. Now yes, I am a new mama, and my infant only sleeps in 2-hour increments. But the kind of tired I’m talking about is a bigger picture. I’m tired because we have communities without access to clean water, folks who are hungry, and children who are removed from families. I’m tired because we are so far detached from one another that we are unable to hold and honor each other’s dignity.

Our students and God’s words remind me that I have to keep going. And when I keep going, tired or not, I will find a light in the darkness. As people of faith we are called to action. As I journey through this Lenten season, I’m curious about how I’ll encounter God. Who will I meet? How will I lean into my faith, renew my strength, and see the light?

Holy Spirit, guide us on our Lenten journey as we follow the call to faith in action. Renew us with strength to keep going when it’s hard to see the light.

Anna Boesch, Assistant Director of the M.O.V.E. Office

First Reading: Isaiah 58:9b-14
Psalm 86:1-6
Gospel: Luke 5:27-32

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this, especially considering your busy life. One thing I think we also can take from the readings is the importance of the Sabbath as a day of rest. It is on this day when He renews us. While this may seem ironic, especially in today's society, but doing less actually results in greater gains. May God bless you and your family.