Monday, March 11, 2019

Monday of the First Week
In today’s Gospel, we hear the essence of our Christian faith, Amen I say to you, whatever you did for these least brothers of mine, you did for me.”  Jesus reminds us that our salvation and the key to life everlasting is not based solely on how we keep ourselves as the first reading suggests. Instead, it rests more on how we give ourselves to the care of, compassion for, and service to others.

These words seem especially timely in 2019; when there are powerful forces in our world distracting us from the needs of our brothers and sisters. Today it may be the isolating glare of screens that removes us from real human contact or from paying attention to the needs of those around us. There are also strident voices which urge us to see others not as fellow humans who are enduring suffering, poverty, injustice, and who are need of protection, but instead urge us to regard them as enemies to fear and people who must be kept away. Today it may be the busyness of modern life, where we are so consumed in hurrying from one part of our day to the next that we forget to stop and look around us.  Especially now, we must allow Jesus’ words to drown out these distractions and remind us that being a Christian means to stop, to see, to listen, and to act for those around us.

Today O Lord, open my eyes and my heart to those around me.  Give me the courage and strength to carry their burdens with them and sustain us with Your grace.

Amy Rock Wardwell, ’96,  Member of the Worshipping Community

First Reading: Leviticus 19:1-2, 11-18
Psalm 19:8-10, 15
Gospel: Matthew 25:31-46

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website

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