Monday, March 12, 2018

Monday of the Fourth Week
Yesterday, Laetare Sunday brought a moment of hope and optimism to our Lenten reflections.  Our readings for today might be a continuation of that sense with repeated references to things good replacing things not good—perhaps a common thread across selections from Isaiah, Psalm 30, and John’s Gospel.

Isaiah begins that thread speaking of the Lord’s assurance of moving
From what was before to a new earth and a new heaven
From things of the past to a new creation with rejoicing and happiness
From what had been to a joyous new Jerusalem and a new people of delight
Away from weeping and crying
Away from lives cut short to full lifetimes (beyond 100!)
To new secure houses and healthy new vineyards

And Psalm 30 continues praising the Lord’s generosity in
Granting freedom from our enemies
Delivery from the nether world and separation from the condemned
Rejoicing at dawn when there was weeping at nightfall
And wondrous transformation from mourning into dancing

Then John’s Gospel concludes our day describing
Christ’s welcome upon His return to Cana in Galilee following His dishonor in Samaria
The royal official moving beyond relying on signs and wonders to his belief in the words of Jesus
And, his son’s miraculous recovery from deadly fever to assured life

Taken together, today’s readings echo the hope and reassurance proclaimed during our Mass on Christmas Eve “The people who walked in darkness have seen a Great Light; upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom a light has shone.  You have brought them abundant joy and great rejoicing.  (Isaiah 9:1-6)  Our readings are reminders that optimism can triumph over pessimism; joy over despair; healing and restoration over dejection and division.  We are encouraged to take comfort in knowing today’s worries and troubles can be overcome, and each new dawn followed by another new dawn is our blessed assurance.  As the psalmist reminds us, we shall dance again.

You, Lord, are both guide and companion throughout our journeys along high level ground as well as through briars and mires. Help us to not be discouraged.  Our roads have frequent branches, help us to choose the paths that lead us to the new dawn, the Great Light You have promised.

Church Hindes, ’69, Member of the Worshipping Community

First Reading: Isaiah 65:17-21
Psalm 30:2, 4-6, 11-12a, 13b
Gospel: John 4:43-54

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website

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