Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Tuesday of the Third Week


From the fiery furnace, where he has been thrown with his two companions for refusing to worship King Nebuchadnezzar’s golden statue, the words of Azariah strike a dire note that resonates even in our day:

“…we are reduced … beyond any other nation, brought low everywhere in the world this day because of our sins…. We have in our day no prince, no prophet, or leader…no incense … to find favor with you”

Although our context is different and, unlike Judah in the book of Daniel, we do not live under the oppression of another nation, yet there are parallels for our time. Not unlike ancient Israel, our country thinks of itself as having a destiny of greatness, as being a beacon to the world, a nation “under God” offering freedom and justice. But in so many ways we have been brought low: mass shootings terrorize communities; widespread drug addiction fuels crime and homelessness. We worship many false gods: money, success, technology, celebrities, our own desires. Self-centeredness and greed have led to a great rift, as some revel in unbridled wealth while many sink deeply into poverty. We are leery of making space for refugees and those we see as “other”. Our excessive consumption of goods and resources has led to destruction and pollution of the natural world. And, as Azariah says, we have no leader or prophet to point a way toward healing those ills. 

We are in need of repentance – a changing of mind and direction. But where can it come from? Only from our hearts. Hearts that recognize our part in the ongoing harm to our fellow humans and the natural world. Hearts that ask forgiveness and turn to God and neighbor and the world with care.


Teach me your ways, O Lord. As you look with mercy and compassion on the world, teach me to act with compassion and kindness toward others, to seek and offer forgiveness when needed, and to work for justice and healing. Amen.

Zsuzsanna Kadas, P‘13
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics

First Reading: Daniel 3:25, 34-43
Psalm: 25:4-5ab, 6-9
Gospel: Matthew 18:21-35

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website

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