Saturday, March 16, 2024

Saturday of the Fourth Week


Both Jeremiah and John’s passages offer a clear desire to banish the messenger. Jeremiah had people plotting his demise, trying to silence his message for the people to repent and return to God. Jeremiah knew his God, a searcher of minds and hearts, and through his faith was able to continue preaching His message. The people had returned to idolatry while still going to the temple to worship. They disliked Jeremiah’s message to stop sinning; the people then plotted to kill him because of his message. This is a foreshadowing of the ministry of the One who was to follow.  

Nicodemus was also a voice in the desert. The Pharisees and priests discount the message of Jesus based on the place of his birth. Nicodemus, who had spoken with Jesus and witnessed his teachings implored them to follow the law and give Jesus a fair hearing. They denied him that opportunity because they wanted to insure that “no prophet arises from Galilee.”

The Pharisees failed to grasp the authority of the teachings of Jesus. Many people saw and heard Jesus and believed, Nicodemus among them. The rush to judgement without a fair hearing was an easy path for the Pharisees. Do we do the same? Do we hastily judge others before we know the entire story/truth?


Lord God help us to walk with eyes that don’t turn away from you but enable us to walk in the light and not in the darkness. Help us to seek repentance and return to you God so that you can direct and correct us daily. Amen.

Mike and Carol Tomkowicz
Worshipping Community.

First Reading: Jeremiah 11:18-20
Psalm 7:2-3; 9bc-12
Gospel: John 7:40-53

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website

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