Sunday, March 19, 2017

Third Sunday of Lent
The Samaritan woman was thirsty. At first glance, it might seem that she was thirsty for water since Jesus found her near a well. However, Jesus approached her knowing that her thirst was not only for water, but for truth. He offered to cease her thirst by offering her a different kind of water than that which was found in the well. His water would clean her of her sins and provide her with a new life lived in truth and goodness. After hearing what He had to offer her, the Samaritan woman had a decision to make. The Samaritan woman could have rejected this offer, but she instead begged Jesus to give her that water which He was offering to her.

There are many students in my college that are thirsty just like the Samaritan woman was in today’s Gospel. Even though I have only been in college for about a semester and a half, I have quickly come to realize that, like the Samaritan woman, most of us find ourselves thirsty. Thirsty for alcohol, sex, drugs, anything that brings pleasure to our bodies and fills up the emptiness we feel inside. Those things only temporarily fill the void within and cause us to become even more thirsty than we were to begin with. Until we realize that God is the only one that will ever quench that thirst, we will continue to be thirsty. We find out our identity and purpose in life when we find Jesus.

Lord, when I thirst for earthly things, may You send Your Holy Spirit to help me become like the Samaritan woman and beg for the living water You have to offer me. Amen.

Elizabeth Lopez, ’20

First Reading: Exodus 17:3-7
Psalm 95:1-2, 6-9
Second Reading: Romans 5:1-2, 5-8
Gospel: John 4:5-42

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website 

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