Saturday, March 4, 2017

Saturday after Ash Wednesday
“Follow me.” 

It sounds like a simple request, but when we look at the lives of those who have done exactly that, it’s certainly not easy.  Throughout history, faithful people walked away, leaving everything behind–wealth, jobs, even family– in order to do God’s will.   I don’t know if we are all called to go to that extreme, but I do think we’re asked (as one hymn says): “to die to self and chiefly live by [God’s] most holy Word.”

Again and again, God calls on us to give up our selfish, petty ways and follow Him.  Again and again we keep doing our own thing, oblivious, focusing instead on our Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat followers. We must drive God crazy. 

As a parent, I appreciate how frustrating it is to have to repeat simple requests.  “OK, kiddo, time to brush your teeth.”    “Please put the book down, it’s time for teeth.”   “Are you listening to a word I am saying? TEETH!”

Like children, we often ignore God’s call...until we find ourselves in need.  Then, like children, we badger God with our petitions: “Listen to me!  Answer my prayer!”  With infinite grace and patience, God repeats what we need to hear:  “Follow me.” 

It’s not easy, but during this season of reflection, perhaps we can all try harder to act like grown-ups, to listen and respond to God’s call, and to be nourished by it.  “Follow me.”

Dear Lord, like a loving parent, teach us to listen.  Help us to hear Your call, to follow the path You have prepared for us, and to delight in Your ways.   Amen.

Helen Donahey, Administrative Assistant, Office of the President

First Reading: Isaiah 58:9b-14
Psalm 86:1-6
Gospel: Luke 5:27-32

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website

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