Thursday, March 30, 2023

Thursday of the Fifth Week


This man Jesus is saying I’ll never see death if I keep his word. Oh, how I want to believe him, but those around me are calling him a liar, even possessed!  

Some of them are picking up stones. Should I join them? What will they think if I don’t? After all, this man challenges so many of the rules that I’ve learned and followed all my life. Who is he to challenge the way we live?

But his message resonates with me. All he’s asking of us is to seek and to serve the Lord constantly, as was written in the Psalms. It’s so simple! But it’s also more challenging than just following the law.  

It’s so easy to think that the universe revolves around us, and our time, now. But when I think of all those generations between Abraham and us, and all of those yet to come, I realize just how small each of us is. Still, we can each play our small part in God’s plan by keeping His covenant throughout the ages. This man Jesus is inviting me to do just that. 

Could he really be the one the prophets have spoken of for generations? Could he be the son of God?   My heart says yes!


Ever-living God, open my ears to hear your voice today, and soften my heart so that I may respond to your call to seek and to serve.  Amen.

Rick Cote, '89, Member of Worshipping Community


First Reading: Genesis 17:3-9

Psalm 105:4-9

Gospel: John 8:51-59

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website