Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Tuesday of the Fifth Week


Believe that I am He.

Simple and profound.  Generalizable although rich in specificity. Accessible and immediate yet impossible to ever fully comprehend. Today’s Gospel passage is for both the beginner and for the mature in faith. Surely this is “the Good News,” for the Gospels meet us wherever we are at in our faith journeys. Today is no different. The reading today meets us right here where we are and challenges us to go deeper and wider in our love and understandings. We can grow old in knowing ever more about the inexhaustible truth in this Gospel set forth by John.

John’s Gospel conveys two truths: the truth about Jesus Christ and the truth about humankind. It is essential that we grow in understanding these two truths. 

Today we learn that the more we come to know Jesus the Son of God and Jesus the Son of Man, and the more we come to know our humble selves in relation to Our Lord Jesus Christ, then we will move ever closer to the Living Waters. Ultimately our human condition, our utter dependence, demands that we grow to know Him in both His glory and humanity.


Dear Lord, oh my Beloved Heaven and Earth, may I go and ever grow into knowing all of who You are.  You are my One and Only, my Loving and Living Savior. May I continue to come to know and to love You every minute of every hour of every day for all of my life. May I rest in You. Amen.

Antonia Messuri

First Reading: Numbers 21:4-9
Psalm 102:2-3, 16-21
Gospel: John 8:21-30

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website