Friday, April 12, 2019

Friday of the Fifth Week
There’s a distressing amount of fear and violence in today’s readings.  And a lot about rocks. 

In John’s Gospel, rocks are weapons of destruction as Jesus faces a crowd ready to riot. This echoes the atmosphere of terror set by Jeremiah in the first reading.  But for the psalmist, the rock is a symbol of divine strength and protection: “O Lord, my rock, my fortress…My God, my rock of refuge.”  The pairing of these contrasting images feels like a choice.  Will you join the crowd throwing rocks? Or will you use the rock’s strength to create a refuge from violence?

Throughout the Bible, violence is ever-present. The just and the poor suffer. God’s people are tested, persecuted, even killed.  It’s hard to relate from a place of safety, comfort, and privilege. We would never throw rocks at someone, so it’s all good, right? Today we’re reminded, that’s not enough. Are we standing by while others are under attack, not hearing their cries for help?  How can we, through our actions, become a rock of safety and protection for those in distress?

God, help me to hear those who are calling out in terror.  With Your strength, empower me to be a rock and a refuge for those who are suffering violence, injustice, and oppression.

Helen Donahey, Administrative Assistant, Office of the President

First Reading: Jeremiah 20:10-13
Psalm 18:2-7
Gospel: John 10:31-42

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website

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