Thursday, February 22, 2018

Thursday of the First Week
The Chair of St. Peter the Apostle

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter. We celebrate God handing the keys to the Kingdom to humanity. We remember our shared responsibility to care for one another by honoring dignity and being in solidarity with each other in the journey to Heaven.

In our Gospel, Jesus challenges the disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” They come up with all kinds of responses, but Peter comes out on top. When Jesus deems Peter correct, I like to think he was surprised. I don’t think Peter meant to be the rock of the Church when he answered this question. I mean, Jesus was always asking questions!

The Rock of our Church is the same man who is so overjoyed and eager to see Jesus that he miraculously runs on water towards Jesus. He is also the man who denies Jesus during the crucifixion. As we get to know our first Pope in Scripture, we engage with the rawness of humanity. What I love most about St. Peter is that, even with all of his messy emotions, God chose him. Just like God chooses us.

While proclaiming Peter’s new responsibilities, Jesus also says that what we bind on earth will be bound in heaven. Likewise, what we loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Looking to Peter as an example, I hope that we can engage in the rawness of our humanity and acknowledge what we bind and loose on earth. When we are willing to be vulnerable with ourselves and God, we create space for God to heal our hearts and open our eyes.

Holy Spirit, be with me in my vulnerabilities, thoughts, and actions. During this Lenten season, help me to acknowledge what I should let go of, and what I should focus on as I honor the responsibility of caring for my fellow people.
Anna Boesch, Assistant Director of the M.O.V.E. Office 

First Reading: 1 Peter 5:1-4
Psalm 23:1-3a, 4-6
Gospel: Matthew 16:13-19

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website 

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