Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Wednesday of the Second Week


Many people today struggle with their purpose in life. Is that you? Do you ever wonder why you are here and what your life should be about?

For much of life, our focus is on school, work, raising a family, enjoying retirement, and keeping up with the general busyness of life. But is that truly our purpose? To just move through the seasons of life until our time here on earth is over? 

Today, we are reminded that Jesus modeled for us a new way to live. A life that leads to being “great,” according to scripture. Instead of going through life with an inward (self) focus, Jesus taught us to look outward. To serve. To look around and see what needs there are and how we can help. 

Our purpose is not to just sit back and be a consumer of things; we are called to do the opposite. Instead of asking what the world can give us, let’s instead ask, what can I give the world? Do I have gifts or talents that others could benefit from? Is there an area of helping or volunteering that is needed and brings me joy? Can I encourage someone by sending a text or a phone call?

Or how about this — how about the next time you go about your day, giving genuine eye contact and smiling at others? Sharing your inner joy in this manner serves them with a heart of acceptance. That is the easiest gift to give and may even turn someone's entire day around.

So today, let’s all smile both inwardly and outwardly. Let the light of Christ in us shine outward to others as we serve them with God’s love. In doing so, we will feel the inner joy Jesus intends for us and will realize our true and never-ending purpose here on earth: to give, serve, and love.


Heavenly Father, please show me areas in my life where I could be more humble. Help me notice others more and live a more servant lifestyle as one of your followers. Thank you for teaching us your ways. Amen.

Mike Venuti and Kerry Hemms
Worshipping Community

First Reading: Jeremiah 18:18-20
Psalm 31:5-6, 14-16
Gospel: Matthew 20:17-28

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website

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