Thursday, February 22, 2024

Feast of the Chair of St. Peter


Today’s Gospel is the familiar story from Matthew of the call of Peter to be the rock upon which the church will be built. See Jesus walking along with his disciples in Caesarea Philippi. Along the walk, Jesus stopped. He asked a direct question to each disciple. But who do you say that I am? Jesus looked them in the eye when he asked that question. They’ve known Jesus all this time. What do they believe? The answer will change their lives. They’re nervous, now knowing what to say. “You are the Christ,” Peter answered, “the Son of the living God.” Yes! Peter answered for all of them and Jesus accepted his answer. Jesus then told Peter he would be the rock upon which the Church would be built. 

Lent gives us an opportunity to open our hearts to Christ, to be sure we can answer that question as did Peter. Take time this Lent to pray, fast and give alms. The reason for these Lenten practices is to deepen our relationship with Jesus, to know him better. By Easter, be ready to answer the question Jesus posed in this Gospel. Allow yourself time to formulate an answer to that question that comes from your heart. It’s much like telling someone why you love that person. It’s unique to the individual. So will your answer be with Christ. Pray about it, fast and be generous, and Jesus will reveal himself to you. Be ready, like Peter, to be told your life will change because you’ll know who Jesus is.


Lord Jesus, inspire me to know you better, to be like Peter who knew you, loved you and followed you. Be patient with me, Lord, as I formulate an answer to the question: But who do you say I am? Amen.

Rev. Msgr. Bernard W. Bourgeois
Board of Trustees

First Reading: 1 Peter 5:1-4
Psalm 23:1-6
Gospel: Matthew 16:13-19

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website


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