Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Tuesday of Holy Week

Over the last year, I have developed a strong affinity for C.C. Filson Company, an outfitter based in Seattle, WA. They sell clothing and equipment to last a lifetime. Their motto is “Unfailing Goods,” and they have been around since 1897. These products are built to last and have been trusted by ranchers, fishermen, loggers, and adventurers for 125 years.   Filson’s marketing is all about the theme of dependability and trustworthiness: built for every kind of weather, no matter how extreme the conditions. In a similar way, I see God’s Word as an outfitter with all of the unfailing goods that we need so that we can trust Jesus Christ and be on mission for the advancement of His kingdom. Each one of God’s promises is like another layer: a jacket, a hat, boots, socks, backpacks, pants, blankets, gloves, belts, knives, axes, rain gear, fishing vests, shooting vests – whatever you need for your mission. These items allow the wearer to withstand any conditions and complete their mission. Each item can be likened to one of God’s promises: God is trustworthy (Hebrews 10:23), God will strengthen us and help us (Isaiah 41:10), God will give us wisdom (James 1:5), God is always good (Psalm 119:68), God’s love is unfailing (Isaiah 54:10), God has work for us to do (Ephesians 2:10), and more! Just google “God’s promises” and see the excellent selection, always in stock…and free! All of this makes me think of Psalm 1 which describes the person who is equipping oneself with God’s word, meditating on it day and night – they will be like a tree planted by a quiet stream, bearing fruit in every season. That is the mission: fruit. We are here to bear fruit, and the only way we can is if we cloth ourselves with these promises. Putting on more layers is like sending our roots deeper into the soil of God’s kingdom where we can take in more nutrients, be anchored more firmly, and, therefore, bear more fruit (John 15).

So, next time you find yourself on a treacherous path or in a powerful storm, stop in at God’s Promises, Inc. and get the unfailing truth you need to keep going. And when you find yourself safe on the other side, you can tell your story – you can sing it loud, praising God for what He did as you trusted in Him. This is ambassadorship.


Father, as You intentionally place me in various circumstances throughout my life, help me to be clothed and rooted in Your unfailing promises so that I can show the world that You are a better foundation than anything in this world.  In Jesus’ name – Amen.

Tim Nagy, ’15

First Reading: Isaiah 49:1-6
Psalm 71:1-4a, 5ab-6ab, 15, 17
Gospel: John 13:21-33, 36-38

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website

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