Thursday, February 27, 2020

Thursday after Ash Wednesday
As we embark on our Lenten journey this week, with Ash Wednesday still fresh on our minds, today’s readings offer a stark contrast between the choices we face during this season and throughout the year.

Our first reading emphasizes that when we keep our hearts centered on God and follow the Lord’s commandments, we will be blessed with life and prosperity, perhaps not in material ways but rather in everlasting treasure. If we “adore and serve other gods”, then we will be faced with doom and poverty of spirit. Through our regular prayer, fasting, and almsgiving this Lent, may we discern and pursue passageways of life!

Our responsorial Psalm offers the compelling message about the blessings awaiting those who hope in the Lord. During this occasionally harsh wintertime, I am buoyed by reflecting upon the encouraging image of the “tree planted near running water, that yields its fruit in due season, whose leaves never fade.” Our daily patience and persistence can make a huge difference.

In Luke’s Gospel reading, Jesus reminds us that as His followers we will face choices each day through which we can enhance our life in Him or pursue other worldly attractions/distractions. Let’s strive to take up our cross daily in our responsibilities and relationships with each other as we choose compassion over indifference, acceptance over intolerance, thoughtfulness over arrogance, selflessness over selfishness, generosity over avarice, and humility over pride. May we take small steps throughout Lent to progress along the road to Easter glory!

Good and gracious Lord, help us to persevere in following Your Way and make the daily decisions that will lead us on the path to Life. Amen.

George Ashline, Professor of Mathematics

First Reading: Deuteronomy 30:15-20
Psalm 1:1-4, 6
Gospel: Luke 9:22-25

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website

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