Saturday, February 29, 2020

Saturday after Ash Wednesday
How often are we on our knees pouring our hearts out to our Lord and Savior, listing our confusions and requesting our life circumstances be guided, changed, or somehow saved by His Holy Adoring Light? I don’t know about you, but this is a common occurrence in my life. I just want to get this business of living right, for Him, to show my love and gratitude through learning to cherish myself like the Beloved Child of God that I am. It’s not always an easy task.

In my plight, I often forget to reflect on the sacred instructions, followed by promises, that are always available for us in our Bibles, like these written in Isaiah in today’s reading. We are reminded to refrain from lies, gossip, and anything that would oppress our brothers and sisters and to feed those around us. Feeding, as in nourishing starving souls with the beautifully cultivated fruits of our Catholic souls. I ask myself, how well am I cultivating my blessed garden this Lenten season? Is the nourishing of others high up on my radar?  

In the Gospel of Luke, also from today’s reading, we hear Jesus’ words to Levi, “Follow me.” It’s a reminder to mindfully follow His way so we may shed light, or share our fruits, in otherwise dark and barren places. This is why it is important for me to read my Bible regularly, for the comfort of knowing that before my knees even hit the floor, our Savior has already paved a way for me with His eternal sacred promises.

Lord Jesus, please know that I am fully Yours. If there is anything standing between my troubled human heart and Yours today, please remove this miscreation. Help me cultivate this spark of light You have given me to share with Your lambs. Please show me how to be my very best today. Amen.

Lynn Monty, ‘07
Society of Saint Edmund, Communications Manager

First Reading: Isaiah 58:9b-14
Psalm 86:1-6
Gospel: Luke 5:27-32

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website

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