Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tuesday of the Fifth Week
Today’s readings focus on what people need in their lives or more accurately, what is needed to live.

In the first reading, the Hebrews complained against God and Moses because they wanted good food and water. However, these complaints led to their deaths. The people were ultimately saved when God, acting through Moses, interceded.

God’s presence is what is vital to one’s life. It is through prayer that God is present in our life. Today’s Psalm shows a weary sufferer who is pouring out his complaints to the Lord. It is God who can help us carry our burdens and ultimately set us free. Freedom does not mean a life without pain, but rather a possible inheritance in God’s kingdom.

 Today’s Gospel passage closely follows the passage where we hear that Jesus is the light of the world. Belief in Jesus allows us to carry His light within us and reflect His light throughout the world to those suffering and in need.  Today’s passage explains the healing power of the cross and how Jesus will be lifted up on that cross.  Jesus’s resurrection and ascension to the right hand of His Father allows us all to share in a new life as the adopted sons and daughters of God.  Jesus redeems us and makes it possible for us to share in eternal life with His Father.

 As Christians we should not focus on what we need to live, but rather the fundamental question is, “What gives us life?”  The answer is simple–Jesus Christ, the son of God. 

Dear God, life is filled with struggles and pain. Give me the strength to face these things knowing that You are always at my side and will never leave me. Help me to remember that the only goal I really need to achieve is to spend eternity in Your loving arms.

Lucia Thomas ‘16

First Reading: Numbers 21:4-9
Psalm 102:2-3, 16-21
Gospel: John 8:21-30

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website

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