Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday of Holy Week
Having faith is never an easy thing, especially these days, where everything is so uncertain, and human rights are being violated every waking minute. It is very easy to experience despair and doubt. We may find ourselves slipping into those states of spiritual and emotional decline without remembering how we got there. In many ways, this Scripture reading is a reminder of why we are here and why we get out of bed each day — to be soldiers for Christ. It is our duty as followers of Jesus to be light to this world, and to continue to fight for justice tirelessly. This may mean defying popular opinion, which often serves selfish motives or material wealth.  Mary models this for us when she bathes Jesus’ feet with the expensive oil — she shows us that we are called to serve Christ first, and to disregard the Judases of this world. By keeping our sight trained on Jesus and following in His lead, we will be able to overcome the doubts and negative voices that threaten to drag us down into despair. If we remain pure of heart and clear of conscious, then we will truly be living manifestations of the peace and justice we so crave.
Lord, strengthen me in faith and spirit so that I may follow closely in Your footsteps and be able to continue the battle to preserve the dignity of human life. Help me to be a living manifestation of Your light.

Sarah Fraser, ‘14 

First Reading: Isaiah 42:1-7
Psalm 27:1-3, 13-14
Gospel: John 12:1-11
Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website


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