Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday of the First Week
The readings for this day turn our attention to the need to live virtuously, to do our best to do the right, loving thing.  We are called to live this way for the sake of our salvation, for the forgiveness of our sins, but mostly to live in covenant and loving relationship with our loving God. 

Ezekiel assures us that the Lord God forgives our sins and gives us life as a reward for turning away from iniquity.  We are told God rejoices in our choosing the right path, not when our choices take us far away from Him.  The life worth living is the one in relationship with God.

The Psalm echoes the same thoughts pointing out that if God were not so loving and forgiving, we would not stand a chance.  But God asks our trust and fidelity to do good and promises us redemption as reward out of  love for us.

In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus makes clear that it is in loving relationship to our brothers and sisters that we walk the path God has given us.  Living virtuously, according to the Gospel, is to live a life of making peace with our brothers and sisters and caring for one another.  We are called to live in loving relationship with each other and so enter into the loving covenant with our God.
As we try to walk along with You, Jesus, in this Lenten season, help us see the needs of others as the path that leads us to You each day.

Stephanie Noakes, ‘80, Office of Admission

First Reading: Ezekiel 18:21-28
Psalm 130:1-8
Gospel: Matthew 5:20-26

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website

1 comment:

Anna said...

May we always do our best to do the right, loving thing! Thanks for sharing Stephanie!