Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Wednesday of Holy Week


As we enter the final days of Lent and begin our journey through the liturgical celebration of the Triduum, we have the opportunity to reflect upon our Lenten pilgrimage which has been leading us to the celebration of the Lord’s resurrection. This is the goal of each Christian as we journey through life – coming to that moment when we personally experience Easter glory.

Throughout our journey we are asked to surrender our lives and wills to the care of God that we may live in freedom and grace. However, because of our own experiences in life, our own sins and woundedness we are not always able to let go and surrender. 

It seems that Judas Iscariot found himself in a dilemma. He had journeyed with Jesus, he heard Jesus’ teachings, he saw the healings and the miracles that accompanied Jesus’ proclamation of the Kingdom. However, he was not able to surrender to the salvific sacrifice upon which Jesus was about undertake. Judas had a better idea about how Jesus could bring about the Kingdom in another way – his way.

Too often Christians steeped in the perspective of a secular worldview put aside the Gospel message for the popular and ever-changing political message of today. We must ask ourselves: Am I willing to stand with Jesus and the community of believers and embrace the eternal truths of our faith or be swept away by the passing trends of the day?


This Holy Week may we commit ourselves to stand with Jesus and surrender our lives and our wills to the will of our Father – as Jesus did from His Cross.

Fr. Tom Hoar, S.S.E.

First Reading: Isaiah 50:4-9a
Psalm 69:8-10, 21-22, 31, 33-34
Gospel: Matthew 26:14-25

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website