Monday, April 3, 2023

Monday of Holy Week

Jesus, after having experienced the adulation of the crowds that we read about yesterday needed to be with close friends. He knew well the Isaiah tradition of the Suffering Servant with its four biblical texts, the first of which we read today. He knew that the praise he received coming into Jerusalem would soon turn to rejection and even death. So, today we read that he went to Bethany, to three good personal friends, Lazarus and his two sisters Martha and Mary. We have all felt a need to be with those who love us and comfort us when we are in a dark space. It is not surprising then that Jesus, who is like us in all things but sin, would also have needed this reprieve, this support for what would come.

Mary (not to be confused with Mary Magdalen) takes perfumed oil and pours it over Jesus’ feet in a soothing and intimate act of love. Moreover, she uses her hair to dry his feet. Jesus knows how to interpret such an act, she is preparing him for burial. She does not try to deny or take away the pain that he will endure; rather she lets him know in her actions that she will be with him as he goes through his ordeals. Poor Judas misses the point in his critique, but Jesus understands Mary’s act of love.


Jesus, let me be with you as you experience the events of this week. Let me pray with you “the Lord is my light and my salvation.” Amen.

Dr. Aline Paris, RSM M’78

First Reading: Isaiah 42:1-7
Psalm 27:1-3, 13-14
Gospel: John 12:1-11

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website