Friday, February 19, 2016

Friday of the First Week
The Scriptures today speak to the human condition and grace of God. We as humans are not perfect beings, and therefore are not immune to making mistakes and falling into sin. As Psalm 130 points out, “If you, O Lord, mark iniquities, who can stand?” God understands that, at times, we may fall on our path to righteousness. When we fall, God is there with outstretched arms to help us back up. He cannot grab our hand and pull us up alone though; we, the fallen, must reach forward and grasp His hand. We must grab the Lord’s hand by renouncing our sinful ways and returning to a life of virtue. Once righted, the cloak of sin is cast off, and we are once again bathed in God’s glory. There is no denying God’s good works. He does not delight in punishing His people, and therefore provides this opportunity for renewal. How great a God we have, one who looks at our transgressions and still welcomes us back after we have fallen. We must strive everyday to fulfill God’s mission. When we stray from our path though, we must do all we can to once again right ourselves. For it is only when we live a virtuous and wholesome life that are we able to truly come to know God.
Good and gracious God, help me to see the errors of my past and guide me on the path to righteousness.
Meg Murray, ’18
First Reading: Ezekiel 18:21-28
Psalm 130:1-8
Gospel: Matthew 5:20-26

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website





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