Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday of the Fifth Week
In today’s Gospel, as we are reminded of the fullness and completeness of Christ’s consciousness, we see how religious leaders of the day responded to Jesus out of fear, protecting their traditions. We can see that these leaders were certainly on the course of ignorance, for Jesus is a threat to the way they understood the truth. They do not understand what He is saying.  Their sense of threat prompts aggression which rules their sad and sorry day.

What do we do when we are faced with something that we do not understand?  How do we react when we are confronted with something that seems so foreign to us, something which challenges the way we think about God and the way we think about each other? The Gospel today asks us to look at our relationships to our country, our institutions, our church, and to each other. Do we stay mindful of Christ’s complete entire consciousness as we wend and bend our ways in search to find His Truth?  

May we always learn to speak His name in all our failings. May we learn to praise His holy name as He rescues us.  The Lord listens to our cries. The Lord hears our shaken voices.
May we then, like Jesus, listen for that holy whisper, that lonely gentle cry.  May we then be like Jesus as we listen and so become that holy song. We become one with God as we tune ourselves to the almighty sound, His holy name, His holy word. May we say yes to the invitation as we feel His full embrace in the hospitality of God’s holy love.

Toni Messuri, Director of Academic Support Services

First Reading: Jeremiah 20:10-13
Psalm 18:2-7
Gospel: John 10:31-42

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website

1 comment:

Anna said...

Max Lucado wrote a very powerful book about fear and asks how would your life be different if your natural instinct was to react with faith instead of fear? How would your life be different? Thanks Toni for your reminder of this today!