Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Tuesday of the First Week 


In the practice of Lectio Divina this stands out for me:

Jesus sets our minds at peace in Matthew 6:8 ~ 

“…Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” 

Know that our Lord God is so ingrained in us and we in him that we need not to describe to him our pain and our needs. He already knows all of it; he felt it; he experienced it, just as we do, in our own personal ways. Jesus teaches us to acknowledge this unspoken-ness of experience, and directs us to the power of our father God and the comforting words in how to live, in ‘Our Lord’s Prayer’. 

We need to learn to fully trust in our Lord. We need to understand God’s unlimited power to constantly re-create; to constantly change situations and opportunities, and most importantly, to forgive. But like the dew that falls from the night sky, this gift of loving forgiveness must be used by us to forgive our brothers and sisters of what we perceive as their transgressions against us. Let’s stop judging each other!

If we can learn empathy, we can actively share in the emotional experience of “the other”. This sharing will lead us to compassion, and compassion can lead us into action.

Maybe we ought to ‘babble’ less and act more?

My beloved brother, Jesus, help me today to understand that you always stand right beside me. Help me to know in peace that our God who exists in every blade of grass, and in each of our human and non-human brothers and sisters, and in the mycelium “brain” beneath my feet as I walk into the forest, that You are with me in each step; That I am never alone: for You are in Everything; I do not need to look hard to find You. In Love and In Praise, I thank you.

Maura Kelley, Worshipping Community

First Reading: Isaiah 55:10-11
Psalm 34:4-7, 16-19
Gospel: Matthew 6:7-15

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website