Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tuesday of the Third Week
For me, the most important message of the readings for today is forgiveness.  The first reading serves as a reminder that we owe God our utmost love and respect for everything He has blessed us with.  We are sinners, yet God accepts us for who we are and continues to love us unconditionally.  It is, therefore, our responsibility to “follow [Him] unreservedly, for those who trust [Him] cannot be put to shame.”  We must also be compassionate and embrace forgiveness, just as the master does for his servant.

Sometimes it is very easy to merely say the words “I forgive you” or “It’s okay” without really meaning them.  However, in order to truly be free, God asks us to “forgive your brother [or sister] from your heart.”  God knows this can be very difficult, especially when we are inclined to hold onto our grudges.  But when we ask God for help and remember how much He has done for us (and how much He has forgiven), we are compelled to emulate Him.  Some say that we as humans are put on this earth to learn forgiveness, which I agree with wholeheartedly.  With forgiveness comes peace, and if we have peace in our hearts and God at our side, there is nothing we cannot achieve.
Loving God, let us be ever more mindful of all that You have blessed us with.  Let us strive to embrace forgiveness from the bottom of our hearts.  Help us continue to be good stewards of Your love.  Amen.

Merrill Poor, ‘15 

First Reading: Daniel 3:25, 34-43
Psalm 25:4-5ab, 6-7bc, 8-9
Gospel: Matthew 18:21-35

Daily Scripture readings can be found online at the USCCB website

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